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Published Articles

Net-Zero commitments: are they empty promises?



As the urgency to combat climate change grows, discover the shocking reality behind the challenges organisations face in achieving their ambitious carbon reduction targets by transforming vague commitments into concrete strategies.  

Risk Management: illumination or infoxication?


Are we making our own risk management frameworks less than effective by asking for too much? 
How much data do we really need to help us make sound risk-based decisions that enable us to meet our primary objectives?

Does my bum look big in this? Breaking bad news...


Getting the answer wrong can seriously damage your health, but should this stop the answer from being an honest and truthful one?
Emma Price examines the art of sharing bad news and offers tips for managing the fallout.

The seven traits of highly effective ERM frameworks


Recent studies claim that “companies with more mature risk management practices generate the highest growth rates in revenue, EBITDA and EV”. 
This aligns with what risk practitioners have known for years. Emma Price explores how to make this happen.

Five ways to improve your Board Reports


"Know your audience"
Just as there are no two boards alike in their composition, culture and risk experience, so there are no two board level reports alike. Rebecca Cope-Lewis shares her insights to help you to improve your own reports.

Why the sky is not always blue, nor the grass greener...


How often have we heard the words “I try to get engagement with my senior management team or board, but they don’t seem interested”?
If this is the case, then perhaps we should take a look at how our risk management reports are presented.

A guide to auditing your risk culture


In these turbulent economic times, the role of risk management and internal audit is increasingly
critical for many reasons. 
Emma Price explores how these two critical functions can translate into real bottom line value.

Product Datasheets

ERM risk management process map


The risk management process mapped to the riskHive ERM software application data entry panels.

ERM software to ISO31000 process mapping


The ISO 31000 family of standards helps businesses establish sound risk
management systems based on key principles and generic guidelines. riskHive's ERM tool supports the key elements of that framework.

ERM software product specification and features


ERM software product technical specification and requirements, functions and features.

ERM software to COSO process mapping


The COSO Framework was designed to help businesses establish, assess and enhance their internal control. Our riskHive ERM tool supports the 5 elements of that framework

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Nailsea, North Somerset, United Kingdom BS48 4PG

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